You likely have a lawful requirement to get motorcycle insurance. Nevertheless, protection is about more than required coverage. There’s other coverage you can add to to make yourself more secure. Let’s look at some of the ways to tailor your coverage to your benefit.
Your goal should be to protect the value of the bike. It’s also important to protect the personal liabilities you pose others. So, after you’ve gotten your required coverage, think about expanding your protection. 
Other Coverage to Add to Your Policy
Remember, your state’s required coverage is set at minimum levels. You’ll likely need expanded coverage to protect the true value invested in your bike.
- Ask your insurance agent to increase your liability limits. This move can help to make your potential duty to others more secure.
- Consider buying collision coverage. This protection can help you pay for damage to your own bike following a wreck.
- Also ask about comprehensive protection. It can pay for your bike's damage from non-accident hazards like fire, weather or theft.
- Many policies offer roadside assistance, towing or rental car coverage. Therefore, following vehicle problems, you’ll have protection for residual costs.
Remember, the limits you select on your policy must reflect your own bike value and driving risks. Help your agent understand the full financial investment you have on your bike. With the right coverage, you can make yourself much more secure.